L. Rainboth

“Having now lived with the finished product for six months, I can say with no hesitation that I love everything about our renovation and sincerely thank you for all your time, patience, direction and professional input.

You listened to my ideas and with your appreciation of the “big picture”, you managed to please me and direct the decoration down the right path for both of us. Paint colours, furniture purchases, reupholstering and placement, kitchen refurbishing from the ground up and carpet selections all came together in a most pleasant, beautiful and cohesive manner to give me the home I enjoy today.

Your suggestion of an art store in Toronto resulted in the spectacular canvas over the sectional. One of your more inspired suggestions was the re-framing of several favourite paintings – I see them every day and I love how they look and fit into the new decor.

Thank you so much for your professionalism and friendship – they both worked for me.”